The Bureau of Customs (BOC) has impounded two fuel tankers at Navotas Fish Port, allegedly involved in the illegal fuel transfer scheme known as “paihi.” The Customs Intelligence and Investigation Services (CIIS) of the Manila International Container Port (MICP) seized the vessels during a September 18 operation.
The tankers were carrying ₱20.35 million worth of unmarked fuel, which is subject to high duties and taxes. The lack of proper fuel markings suggests tax evasion. BOC Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio emphasized the agency’s commitment to safeguarding borders and ensuring only safe products reach markets.
CIIS Director Verne Enciso said the operation intercepted 370,000 liters of unmarked fuel—330,000 liters on the MT Tritrust and 40,000 liters on the MT Mega Ensoleilee. The agents, assisted by Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and fuel marking agents, witnessed an illicit fuel transfer, leading to the tankers’ seizure after both failed fuel marking tests.
The combined value of the unmarked fuel and the tankers is ₱715.35 million. The BOC is continuing its anti-smuggling efforts, coordinating with the Department of Justice (DOJ) for further investigations.
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