Negosyante News

June 28, 2024 8:22 am

High Salinity Levels Impact Bangus Production in Mangaldan

Milkfish Production in Mangaldan Affected by High Salinity Levels

The elevated salinity levels in fish ponds at Mangaldan, Pangasinan, are negatively impacting the growth and production of milkfish, locally known as bangus.

Salinity’s Impact on Bangus Growth

Bangus typically thrive in freshwater but can tolerate saltwater to some extent. However, the excessively salty conditions in Mangaldan are problematic. “Ang bangus, talagang sa tubig tabang ‘yan, pero pwede rin naman sila sa maalat. Kaya lang ang problema namin, sobrang alat talaga ng tubig dito,” explained Jun Lambino, a local bangus grower.

Merle Cuison-Sali, the municipal agriculturist, confirmed the issue: “Kapag sobrang alat ng tubig, talagang hindi rin productive ang bangus.”

Contributing Factors and Current Conditions

The hot weather in Pangasinan, especially in the mornings, contributes to the high salinity. The heat causes water to evaporate, leaving behind the ions that increase salinity. The heat index in Pangasinan currently ranges from 46 to 48 degrees Celsius, exacerbating the issue.

“Dito kasi sa amin, hindi pa masyadong umuulan. Mainit pa talaga, kaya malilit ang bangus,” Lambino added.

Monitoring and Future Outlook

The Mangaldan Agriculture Office monitors the salinity levels, with the current expectation that it will take up to three months to harvest the fish under these conditions. “Ang dapat talaga i-monitor ay ang salinity level,” emphasized Cuison-Sali.

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